Economic Profile

Economic Profile/Land Use

The municipality of Libona is predominantly an agricultural area. This makes farming the prime economic activity of the majority of Libona’s population.

Agricultural Crop Production.

About 14,761.26 hectares of Libona’s total land area is devoted to agriculture, of which 16 % were planted with corn. The Del Monte Philippines, Inc. (DMPI), a multi-national corporation, has pineapple plantation in the area covering some 6,020.40 hectares of prime agricultural land in Libona. The Agrinanas Development Company, Inc.  has established its banana plantation in  four  barangays covering an estimated area of  350 hectares.  Other crops grown in the municipality are root crops, rice, vegetables and other commercially viable crops.

Livestock Poultry and Fishery Production.

With the 55 – Livestock Operations (poultry and piggery) and 285 fish farmers/production were also considered as the major sources of livelihood in the municipality.